Our Services

Anti Wrinkle

Anti Wrinkle injections relax targeted muscles and prevent movement which causes the development wrinkles. The medication used is made up of a purified protein & the injections last between 3 to 4 months.

Common areas include :

  • Frown lines

  • Crows feet

  • Forehead Lines

  • Downturned smile

  • Chin Dimpling

  • Gummy Smile

  • Lip 'flip'

  • Eyebrow Lift

  • Jaw clenching / slimming (bruxism)

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

  • Haytox (for hay fever relief)

Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers are used to fill and enhance areas of the face. They can be used to restore lost volume, create enhancement, and hydrate specific areas. The medication used is made up of a naturally occurring substance in our bodies (hyaluronic acid based).

Common areas include:

  • Lips

  • Cheeks

  • Marionette Lines

  • Jawline

  • Chin

  • Smokers Lines

  • Skin Hydration

Bioremodeller is a variation of hyaluronic acid based injectable designed for skin texture, thickness & fine lines.


SkinPen is a medical micro-needling device. It is used as a collagen induction therapy, which stimulates the body’s natural wound healing response. This promotes the production of collagen and Elastin in the skin.This is a rejuvenating skin treatment for multiple skin concerns:

  • Fine lines and anti ageing

  • Minimise pores

  • Acne scarring

  • Improve skin texture and tone

  • Improve appearance of pigmentation

  • Improve appearance of stretch marks

  • Assist to improve appearance of rosacea

  • Thicken and tighten crepey skin


LED therapy

To improve skin integrity and assist in the healing process post injectable treatments, or as a stand alone treatment to improve acne, pigmentation, dullness & texture.

Led can be a stand alone treatment or an add on to ANY other treatment option

Add a hydration boost with a hyaluronic mask to make your skin supple & smooth.


A Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to encourage collagen, elastin & growth factors in the skin. AKA ‘the vampire facial’.

PRP injections are prepared by taking anywhere from one to a few tubes of your own blood and running it through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. These activated platelets are then injected directly into skin. This releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces, therefore it is great for:

  • Plump up sagging skin

  • Get rid of deep creases

  • Improve one’s complexion

  • Diminish acne scars

  • Reducing wrinkles & fine lines

PDO threads

PDO Mono threads, are fine protein based threads, which are placed into the dermal layer of the skin, to promote your own collagen and elastin production. They are primarily used as a rejuvenating & tightening skin treatment. 

Cosmelan Peel

Cosmelan is a highly innovative system that gently targets and treats unwanted pigmentation on the face and body.

The two-phase intensive treatment programme involves the application of a potent de-pigmenting mask, applied in clinic ( & remains on for approx 10 hours). The second treatment phase is an at-home maintenance kit followed for 6 months. We also review you & offer 2 x complimentary LED during your initial treatment phase (month 1 of 6)

Medik8 Peels

Medik8 offers a wide range of peel treatments to suit everyone. They are specifically designed to treat different skin concerns and deliver visible results.


A targeted formulation that helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It helps fade away imperfection, leaving the skin visibly smoothed and rejuvenated.


A brightening peel targeting sun damage, hyperpigmentation and dull, uneven skin. The Even peel helps to visibly fade pigmentation for a more even and radiant complexion.


A powerful blend of acids that sink deep into pores to effectively clarify and decongest the complexion. Rapidly brings blemishes under control and dramatically reduces the risk of future breakouts.